Best iOS 7 Cydia Tweaks So Far !

iOS 7 Cydia Tweaks
iOS 7 jailbreak came out on 22nd December and still there are only few working Cydia tweaks can be found.Even some of them only support iOS 7 piratically.From all of these tweaks we listed the best 10 Cydia tweaks that supports iOS 7 !
Note : Since the MobileSubstrate package isn’t compatible on 64-bit devices yet, DO NOT install any tweak that asks for it on an iPhone 5s or iPad Air yet.
1. Cydia icon iOS 7 
This will replace your old-looking Cydia icon with all new Flat Cydia icon which goes pretty awesome with iOS7 UI
repo :
2. HiddenSettings 7
This will let you access hidden spring board settings of your iOS 7 Device.You can access these settings from Control Center.
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3. RecordMyScreen
This tweak let you record your iOS 7 installed device with no errors at will have to configure this from Activator [ how to ]
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4. f.lux Beta
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warms up your idevice’s screen o match your lighting at night
repo : Default Cydia repo
5. Menu Button Emulator
This tweak is same as the iOS Assistive touch feature.But it only have the home button functions.One touch emulates the home button press and touch and hold will open the App switcher
repo : Default Cydia repo (bigboss)
6. Sicaruis
Adds cool animations to iOS 7 App switcher including respring and more useful functions
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7. Zeppelin Beta
Replaces carrier text with cool icons
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8. Activator Beta
This tweak let you assign a certain function for gestures,buttons and inputs
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9. Tabless
A simple tweak that removes the grabber from the Control Center and Notification Center on lock screen
repo : Default Cydia repo (ModMyi)
10. AppSync for iOS 7
This tweak let you install cracked apps to your iPhone using an external iPhone manager
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